The Lüneburg core area ((audio)) Aesthetic Strategies at the Institute for Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM) is one of the German-language centers of discourse on auditory (media) culture and sound studies. Since its foundation in 1997, it has participated in the development of theories on the culture of technology and media aesthetics of the auditory. Here you will find an overview of current and completed projects.

Current Dissertations

Dong Zhou: “Site-specific Compositions and Performances as a Contemporary Artform”

Le Cao: “Designing Media Products for a Globalized Audience – Glocal Strategies”

Sarah-Indriyati Hardjowirogo: “Culture and Sound Producers. The theoretical concept of the musical instrument in the context of technical-cultural configurations”.

Katha Alexi: »Groupies? Dominante Fiktion und widersprechende Deutungen zu Frauen und Mädchen als Akteurinnen der Rockmusik.«

Dennis Mathei: “The Productivity of Micro Indie Scenes.”

Maurice Stenzel: “Always On. Asynchronous, collaborative online music-making between musical practice, identity and technology”.

Completed Dissertations

Andi Otto: »Dutch Touch –Das SensorLab und The Hands als elektro-instrumentale Pionierentwicklungen des STEIM in den Jahren 1984-2000« (completed 2016)

Malte Pelleter: “Futurhythmachines. Drum Machines and the Sound Futures of Auditive Culture” (completed 2018)

Organized Conferences and Workshops

Workshop »Instrumentality meets Materiality. Interaktion von Mensch und Musikinstrument«, with the research group Materiality of Musical Instruments (Deutsches Museum Munich, October 2019)

SMC 2016, 13th Sound and Music Computing Conference and Summer School, Paper Chair (HFMT Hamburg, August/September 2016)

Workshop “Sound (without) Body II” (March 2015)

Annual Meeting of the GfM-AG Auditive Cultures and Sound Studies “Oath of Allegiance and Loss of Reality” (February 2015)

Closing Conference of the DFG-Project Functional Sounds “Dispositive Functional Sounds” (January 2015)

Completed Networks

Internationales DFG-Netzwerk »Sound in Media Culture« (2010-2013)

Mission Statement

The interdisciplinary core area “((audio)) Ästhetische Strategien” is an independent department at the Institute for Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM) at Leuphana University Lüneburg. ((audio)) is involved in in teaching in the areas of specializations “Music and Audio Culture” in the Major Cultural Studies, in the Minor “Digital Media/Cultural Informatics” and in the Major “Cultural Studies”, Program “Sound Studies – Digital Perspectives” of the Leuphana BA, .

Topics are researched Questions in the context of digital media in the following areas :

In addition to the existing resources of the computer and media centre at Leuphana University Lüneburg, ((audio)) manages a digital audioLab (electronic studio), which can be used for project purposes in the narrower sense as well as by students and regional activities. In seminars, tutorials and workshops work on theoretical and practical issues in the auditory field of electronic and digital media in exchange with other institutions and individuals.

Funding Phase of the Project

In the start-up phase (1.10.1997-31.12.2000) the project was funded by the Ministry of Science and Culture of the state of Lower Saxony within the framework of HSP III. On 15.06.2001 a final report on the start-up phase of the project “Aesthetic Strategies in Multimedia and Digital Networks (Focus Audio)” was written. This makes the ((audio)) become the one of the first German-language initiatives in teaching and research on digital auditory culture.