Leuphana University Lüneburg| B.A. Kulturwissenschaften | Module: Music and Audioculture| Tuesday 16:15 – 17:45 | Dong Zhou
The seminar will introduce the concept of artistic soundscapes from both aesthetic and technical sides. It will focus on the musical application of soundscape, namely in composition, sound art and multimedia performance. The study of soundscape in other fields like ecology, ethnomusicology, music therapy and politics will be discussed as well. Worldwide music and multimedia works from 1970s to 2019 will be presented and analyzed in order to help us to understand this topic from a contemporary perspective. The idea of the soundscape is connected to the aesthetics of site-specific composition, which also will be focused in the seminar.
Please download the ZOOM desktop application and make sure that you have a headset and a webcam. The ZOOM room will be announced weekly via myStudy under “Online teaching”.
If additional materials are created during the classroom session (e.g. flipcharts, metaplan walls), they will be photographed and made available to all participants myStudy.
If you have any questions about content or organisation, please discuss them with your fellow students in the discussion forum on MOODLE. If you are not able to clarify these questions, please send me an email. I also offer consultation hours via ZOOM video conference.
Dong Zhou
Lucas Schröder
Information to the guest lecture series: