The artists* Tamaki Watanabe and Walter Zurborg will be guests at Leuphana University on 5.11.2019 to talk about their work. You can get an impression of the duo’s sound installations on their Website.

Her latest work the landing of the ants is not exhibited by chance in the Hanoverian “Galerie vom Zufall und vom Glück”. In fact, chance in its various facets forms an anchor point for the artist lecture of the artist duo.
After a video presentation and explanation of various installations of recent years, the Lüneburg audience, consisting of seminar participants and external guests, patiently and in detail received information about motivations and contexts.

The approaches to sound and space turned out to be partly conceptual and partly experimental, but always oriented towards the materials used and the situations that were found. With the sounds, the materials become new and sensitively perceptible, the rooms sculpturally designed as sound. Often these are very simple ideas, combined with a perfectly balanced execution of the kinetic elements of the installation, which in turn provide the sounds.

Using an example from her installation RandomScape (2017), it was then possible to understand in the truest sense of the word how an interplay between an autonomous control unit/machine and an autonomous unstable arrangement of the decentered fan, glass plate and stones becomes a sound generator.