Dong Zhou
Tel.: 677-2287
Projektbüro Audio Room 5.321

Working Title of the Dissertation

Site-specific Multimedia Performance as an Art Form

This dissertation explores the relationship between site and composition/ performance through reviewing historical music and multimedia performance works and case studies of four contemporary site-specific multimedia performance pieces.


Dong Zhou, Komponistin, Medienkünstlerin und Performerin. Sie erwarb Ihren B.A. Music Design von dem Shanghai Conservatory und M.A. Multimediale Komposition von der HfMT Hamburg. Sie wurde Aufträge von der Shanghai International Art Festival, Hamburg CLAB Festival und ZKM Karlsruhe gegeben. 2018 gewann sie den 1. Preis von ICMC  Hacker-N-Makerthon. 2019 erreichte sie das Finale des Deutschen Musikwettbewerbs.

Texte und Vorträge

Drama CD – another form of animation


Published on the ‘road resistance and long – meditation and exploration of the humanities animation’, 2012

Interactive Environmental Sound Installation for Music Therapy
ZHOU, Dong
Presented and published in WOCMAT(Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technologies) 2016 Taoyuan, Taiwan

Gender issues in China Audio Industry – What stops us from working there?
ZHOU, Dong
Presented in AISS(Active Inclusive Sound Space) 2017 Huddersfield, England

Hatsune Miku For Academics And For Its Fans: More Than A VST?
ZHOU, Dong
Published in the journal “Links-Series” (read online)

New Narrativivy Achieved By Multi-space Presentation In Multimedia Music Pieces
ZHOU, Dong (master thesis)


October 2020 – March 2021:
Aesthetic Practices of the Soundscape in Auditive Culture for bachelor of Culture Research students in Leuphana University, Lüneburg.

October 2019 – March 2020:
Klang, Raum, Bewegung (Sound, Space, Movement) for bachelor of Culture Research students in Leuphana University, Lüneburg.