Annual conference of the AG Auditive Media Cultures and Sound Studies

From 30 January to 1 February, this year’s annual conference of the AG ‘Auditive Media Cultures and Sound Studies’ will take place at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM).
Under the heading “Acoustic Intelligence – Hearing and Obeying”, the conference is dedicated to the intensified “formation of acoustic monitoring and regulation processes”, as they are currently moving into more and more living rooms, for example, in the harmless form of friendly conversational loudspeakers. The conference Program offers both current and historical perspectives on such auditory dispositive. Keynotes are given by Elena Ungeheuer, Jens Gerrit Papenburg, and Julian Rohrhuber. The program will be concluded by a performance by Transhuman Art Critics.
The conference is being organized by Anna Schürmer, Maximilian Haberer and Tomy Brautschek. On the blog of the GfM-AG they will explain their perspective on the conference topic with a sound example.